net transport(netxfer) v2.84
5월5일 즐겨 사용하는 다운로드 가속기인 net transport가 업데이트 되었습니다.
다운로드 페이지 :
v2.82 직접다운로드 :
여러가지 부가적인 기능이 많아 유용한 프로그램인데요 Develop History를 보면 2.82~ 버전 이후 추가된 기능들이 눈길을 끄네요~ 이전에 추가된 url sniff기능들이지만 지원하는 프로토콜이 부족했던게 사실이었습니다. 그래서 추가된듯 하네요. 최근에 추가된 RTMP부터 MMS와 수정된 RTSP 까지 지원합니다.
Develop History
Net Transport 2.84 (May 5, 2009)
- Modified that "Decrease" menu of the task would remove the selected connection instead of the last one.
- Added support for more Flash Media Servers.
- Enhanced the combination of partial data files for MP4 to smooth video by comparing more content between two partial parts.
- Modified content of some requests for RTMP protocol.
Net Transport 2.83 (Apr 15, 2009)
- Enhanced the inbuilt "URL-Sniffer" to parse RTMP protocols. The task added by this feature can greatly promote successful chance to record streaming via RTMP.
- Added code to limit the length of the local filename up to 250 bytes.
- Enhanced [MS-RTSP] to recognize more Windows Media Services.
- Fixed a fatal bug that program could not record LIVE streaming via RTMP from some sites.
Net Transport 2.82 (Mar 30, 2009)
- Enhanced the inbuilt "URL-Sniffer" to parse MS-MMSP, RTMP protocols.
- Fixed a bug that [MS-RTSP] could not handle this type of ASF header with padding data.